A Schedule which conceptually groups a set of Slots.


This resource is optionally returned linked to one or more Slot resources. For more clarification see the diagram on the FHIR Resources overview page.

Schedule will be returned with Slots following a search for free Slots, it is used simply to provide the links between other optional resources, as can be seen from the diagram on the FHIR Resources overview page.

References to FHIR Profiles

Key FHIR Elements

The following FHIR elements are key to this implementation :

Element Cardinality Description Example(s)
id [1..1] An id which only need be unique within the bundle the resource is included in. 12456
actor [1..3] Resources linked to this Schedule, can be any of the below
actor (HealthcareService) [1..1] The HealthcareService that this Schedle is part of. { "reference": "HealthcareService/1231231234" }
actor (Practitioner) [0..1] Optionally identifies the Practitioner where one is assigned to this Schedule. { "reference": "Practitioner/1231231234" }
actor (PractitionerRole) [0..1] Optionally identifies the PractitionerRole where a role is assigned to this Schedule. { "reference": "PractitionerRole/767676767" }